Stewardship 2023 Logo


Dear Family of Christ,

              Does what we do really matter? That was a question that was asked at a recent synod event I

attended. I was shocked because this group of pastors and other church leaders gathered together were

quiet because we weren’t so sure as to the answer. The question challenged me to spend some time in

reflection as I looked at the work we do together at Family of Christ. As I examined the last year and the things we have done in faith development, community building, and partnerships with our neighbors, the resounding answer was YES, what we do matters! As I continued to spend time reflecting, I also realized something else because of you our church changes lives. To that I say thank you.

Your generosity has made an impact in so many ways. There are those wonderful gifts that keep the lights on, pay the staff, bring down the mortgage, support mission partners and fund programs for children, youth and families, but because of you our church changes lives. Whether that’s weekly worship that

reminds us of God’s love and grace, bible camp and mission trips that plant seeds of lifelong faith, a

new partnership with Abundant Goods that embraces the most vulnerable in our foster system, or a hundred

other relationships, because of you Family of Christ changes lives.

The work of Family of Christ can happen because of the generous financial and volunteer support of our community because of you, our congregation changes lives. Thank you. Your generosity in all its forms comes as an expression of gratitude for this community and I hope you will join me in making a commitment to give this coming year.

While there are many ways to support the congregation, in the coming weeks we ask everyone to think in a particular and prayerful way about the choices we make with our money in support of the church. The time of study and reflection will culminate on Commitment Sunday as part of worship on November 26th. As part of our celebration, I hope you will join us for turning in your commitment card and joining us for a pie social after worship.

God has done and continues to do remarkable things through us and with us. Your gifts to our

congregation make this possible. I hope you will join me in turning in a commitment card with your estimate of giving for the coming year.

Thank you for walking alongside me as a part of Family of Christ



Pastor Brent





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