Communion Setup/Altar Guild


Thank you so much for volunteering at Family of Christ!  We could not be a successful, influential, loving congregation without your commitment and involvement.

As a Communion Setup/Altar Guild you are setting up the Eucharist for distribution Family of Christ Lutheran Church.  Please read through the following responsibilities:


Before Worship

  • Please wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
  • All supplies should be in the cabinets in the Sacristy with the exception of the white grape juice which is in the door of the refrigerator in the kitchen


  • We are currently using individual cups for wine and juice
  • We are currently setting up 4 full trays

32 cups of wine per tray (the two outer rings)

8 cups of white grape juice per tray (the inner ring and center)

Set up the Communion Cup with a small amount of wine for the Pastor


Communion tray diagram Communion tray

  • We have 2 types of Communion cup fillers

Communion fillerCommon cup

  1. owhite dispenser - 3 available in the cabinet
  2. oa clear bottle type dispenser – 2 available under the sink
    • use which ever type you are comfortable with.
    • DO NOT OVERFILL cups as people spill them when being served communion - cups should be slightly over ½ full
  • After filling cups please return white grape juice to the refrigerator door in the kitchen
  • Set up 2 dishes of wafers with a small dish of gluten free wafers in the center
  • Set up the cup (with the cross on the lid) with wafers for the Pastor
  • wafer trayPastor wafer cup
  1. oAll total there should be around 150 wafers. Extras can be put in the Pastor’s cup
  • Setup 3 baskets for the white table (with black tablecloth) by the piano

 disposable cup basketCommunion kitsGoldfish cracker basket

  1. oOne basket has bags of goldfish crackers (approximately 18 to 25 bags)
  2. oOne basket has the disposable communion kits
  3. oOne basket is lined with paper towels for used cups to be placed in.


If you are setting up on Sunday morning before service:

  1. oPlace the trays and wafer dishes along with the Common cup and Pastor’s dish on the alter
  2. oPlace the 3 baskets on the table beside the piano

If you are setting up before Sunday morning (note please do not set up more than a day before during the summer as we have ants and other bugs):

  1. oKeep all the communion setups (dishes, trays, cups, baskets etc.) in the Sacristy
  2. oBe sure to put on the altar on Sunday morning or ask someone else to do that for you

After Worship

  • After Communion Service dispose of all unused wine and juice down the drain. DO NOT PUT BACK INTO CONTAINERS.
  • Dispose of cups in garbage
  • After Communion place the dishes with wafers and gluten free wafers in the plastic bags so they don’t dry out - transfer the wafers from the Pastor’s cup to the trays in plastic bags to seal
  • Dispose of all cups and other used items
  • Wipe out trays and the Common Cup
  • Return all items to the cabinets


IF WE ARE LOW ON ANY ITEMS, please let Linda in the office know


Thanks for your ministry!

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